How to integrate Required Fields with Zendesk
The Required Fields is an app developed for agents in Zendesk. The app allows you to make mandatory fields for your agents to fill out before closing a ticket.
Step-by-step guide for the integration:
Step 1:
Install the Required Fields app from Zendesk Marketplace. Simply click on 'Free trial' to begin the installation with your Zendesk account.
Step 2:
Before purchasing, make sure you choose the role restrictions and group restrictions. This allows you to make the app available to certain people, such as agents that this app is relevant for.
Step 3:
After clicking 'Buy', you will be transferred to the payment page. Fill in your personal details such as email address and your credit card details. Press 'Start Trial' and you are good to go!
NOTE: You will automatically get a free 14-day trial even though you have to enter your credit card details. If you cancel within the 14 days, you won't get charged.
Step 4:
After a successful installation, you will be transferred to the app page in your Zendesk account. If you want to make changes in your role/group restrictions, just simply find the app under 'Enabled apps' and edit your preferred settings.
Step 5:
Voila - now the required fields app is working - but you can’t see it.
It simply changes the behaviour of the field “Required to solve a ticket”. You can’t see any changes in the interface - only in the behaviour.
Go to settings/manage/ticket fields and find the field you want to be filled out.
When you check the box “Required to solve a ticket” the ticket field must be filled out before you can update the ticket. Ie tap “Open”, “Pending”, “On hold”, “Solved”.
Please have everyone using the app to refresh their browser after you have updated fields in settings.
Got any feedback, ideas or feature requests? Please visit our forum.
DISCLAIMER: This app works with Ticket Forms, but NOT with the Conditional Fields App!
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